Points of Contact

The first point of contact for personal and academic issues relating to the progress and welfare of students.

Personal Tutor

More serious issues and confidential matters, e.g. bullying, theft, underperformance, etc.

Deputy Heads Senior Leaders

Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9

Year 7: Miss Parker
Year 8: Miss Hubble
Year 9: Mrs Sharif

Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11

Year 10: Mr Smith
Year 11: Mr Denker

Sixth Form

Director of Sixth Form: Mrs Gill

Special Needs issues, including the needs of exceptionally gifted children.

Director of Inclusion/SENCo:Mr Byrne

Enquiries relating to the Homework policy.

Deputy Head:Miss Bladen

Enquiries relating to Health and Sex Education issues.

Deputy Head:Mrs Chapman


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Pincher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:

Mrs Adams, Miss Breen

Any medical issue.

School Nurse:Mrs Hutchinson-Nash

Help with grants for Academy clothing, meals, etc.

Student Support Officer:Miss Baker

Formal complaints and access to documentation such as the Complaints Procedure and Academy Policy documents (e.g. Behaviour, Equal Opportunities, etc.)

Head's PA

Any dilemma which remains unresolved having exhausted all other channels

Head:Mr Saunders

For all enquiries regarding coaches - please contact Endeavour Coaches Limited (0121 326 4994).